WVU’s Film Club is a creative community that encourages an interest and enthusiasm in all aspects of film, from the craft to consumption and everything in-between. This group is the closest thing to a production company on campus; ensuring members have access to all the people and equipment needed to bring creative projects to life.
Film Club doesn’t try to shoehorn students into roles. If someone has an idea for a short or a skit of any kind of visual project, the organization encourages members to take control of their own production and drive it to the finish line.
Outside of supporting members’ creative endeavors, Film Club has regular, bi-weekly meetings at the Media Innovation Center that serve to encourage creative students and discuss the fundamentals of film production. Screenings for independent shorts and features will also crop up as often as possible to remind creators on campus of what’s possible, despite living in a state with little encouragement to aspiring filmmakers.
The Film Club holds regular, bi-weekly meetings. Contact Adam Payne at ajp0034@mix.wvu.edu for more information.