Mack Miles
Mack completed a BFA in Graphic Design at the West Virginia University College of Creative Arts and Media, School of Art and Design.
Before starting his own business, Mack was the designer and Director of Cabin Creek Quilts and the Assistant Director of the West Virginia State Arts Agency responsible for working with artists and arts organizations in all 55 counties. At that time West Virginia was the only state with its own cultural center. The Arts Commission had a one million dollar budget and was number two in per capita funding for the arts in the United States.
Mack is a well-respected design and marketing consultant who has over 40 years experience in building product recognition. Through his highly innovative campaigns he has helped to create new and enduring identities for retail, service, construction, health and arts organizations--often on a regional scale.
His company, Mack Miles Studio llc provides a wide range of creative and branding services across all media. He also has kept his hands in the museum world designing and curating the widely acclaimed "The Homer Laughlin China Company: A Fiesta of American Dinnerware". Other curatorial jobs have followed. He is the recipient of a First Place "Gold" Addy Award for outdoor advertising for his billboard featuring the Camera Pill.