Eve Faulkes
Eve Faulkes received her MFA from the Rhode Island School of Design and her BFA with teaching certification from West Virginia University. She has been teaching graphic design and book arts at WVU since 1979. Her own interests are in collaborative design that bridge divides to tackle problems and in making things that include artist’s books and paper engineering. Her design and artist’s books have appeared in Print , AIGA’s Graphic Design USA and Graphics annuals as well as the 50 Books of the Year international traveling show of the American Institute of Graphic Arts. Her work has been exhibited in China, Italy, Germany, Canada and many universities and galleries across the United States. She has also been included in Type Specimens: The Great Typefaces by Rob Carter, and Upper and Lowercase magazine. Her artist’s books have been purchased for the collections of over 40 libraries including Oxford, Yale, Columbia University, Newberry Library, Cleveland Institute of Art, and RISD. She has been a visiting artist at the Rome Art Center, Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Carnegie-Mellon University, University of Florida at Gainesville, SUNY at New Paltz and Indiana University, among others.