Rick Bebout
Rick Bebout is a technology specialist; his primary responsibilities are to build and maintain all of the program’s graduate courses and support our online students and instructors.
Bebout has worked in some capacity with the College of Creative Arts and Media formerly Reed College of Media since 1997. WVU eCampus, our online learning platform, is an intuitive, user-friendly system. If students need assistance he is always available through email or phone, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Bebout holds a Master of Science in Journalism (2000) and a Bachelor of Arts in English (1997), both from West Virginia University. As a secondary assignment, Bebout also teaches and was awarded the College's Golden Quill Award for Outstanding Teaching twice, in 2010 and 2013. “Those mean a great deal to me,” said Bebout, “because they were student-driven nominations.”
Away from the office, he enjoys spending time with family and friends, cheering on the Mountaineers, fly fishing and bow hunting. Bebout’s passion for the outdoors has taken him on amazing adventures in some great places including Colorado, Idaho, and Alaska.