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GEC Assessment


For instructors of all GEC courses, including online, face-to-face, majors only, writing, etc.

Step 1: Select two course outcomes

  1. Describe the present state of the arts from financial, social and cultural perspectives
  2. Describe the connects and relationships between specific styles/periods and culture
  3. Identify the contributions of significant artists and their places within history
  4. Demonstrate a foundation in terminology and methodology for future arts study
  5. Demonstrate an ability to recognize the functions of the arts in various world cultures
  6. Articulate the state of the performing arts within our society
  7. Develop a critical vocabulary and apply terminology appropriate to the discipline
  8. Identify and explain relevant social, cultural, and political developments, issues, and problems during specified time periods
  9. Analyze the development of the art form and its importance to world cultures, and how this development influences modern performances
  10. Find and evaluate information appropriate to research topics and communicate ideas in oral and written formats
  11. Analyze works of art in terms of form, content, and socio-historical significance and articulate these relationships
  12. Compare and contrast a variety of artistic styles and the people who make and consume them
  13. Distinguish and explain major historical, political, cultural, philosophical, and economic influences in societies under consideration and analyze their import on production and consumption of art
  14. Analyze art at symbolic and thematic levels
  15. Apply basic observational skills and evaluate the art objectively using appropriate terminology
  16. Articulate artistic preferences based on text, music, form, period, or style
  17. Define and apply appropriate vocabulary and use critical skills to effectively evaluate formal and creative merit

Step 2: Select one course assignment for each goal

Step 3: For each assignment, track number of students who: 

  • Meet goal
  • Exceed goal
  • are Below goal
  • did not complete assignment

Step 4: Click on GEC Assignment Form link below. This will take you to the online assessment form.

  • The form is easy to use and will first you to enter your course identification information on the online form.
  • Enter the required assessment data from steps 1-3 above in the appropriate pull down menu and/or text boxes.
  • Please note that will be asked to enter the assessment data twice (once for each GECobjective you have selected for each course).
  • When completed with both entries, click submit.
  • You will need to complete one set of entries for each GEC course or section that you instruct (e.g., THET 102 sec 001; THET sec 002; ARHS 101).

GEC Assessment Form

Questions? Contact John Hendricks, Associate Dean at 304-293-4362,

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