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13 Career Titles for Data-Driven Marketers


13 Career Titles for Data-Driven Marketers

The marketing communications field continues to recognize the need for professional communicators who can apply data, analysis, and creative thinking to marketing campaigns. This recognition has led to more and more careers emerging for marketing professionals who understand the importance of data-driven marketing in all facets of marketing communications.

With this in mind, here are 13 career options for marketing professionals who aren’t afraid to harness the power of data and who understand the importance of creating integrated marketing campaigns.

1. Google Ads Campaign Manager

Google Ads Campaign Managers are responsible for implementing Pay-Per-Click (PPC) strategies for clients on Google. These managers also research and build out large lists of keywords, write advertising copy, and manage client budgets all to optimize impressions, views, clicks, and conversions for digital ads.

2. Social Media Strategist

— Social Media Strategists help an organization decide which social networks to keep accounts on, and what kind of content to post and when, for maximum reach. They often work with several different marketing, communications, and sales teams to create an engaging social media strategy. Additionally, they keep meticulously detailed schedules, develop high-quality content, and maintain a consistent brand voice among all social media channels.

3. SEO Marketing Manager

— SEO Managers work with a variety of marketing departments to help track the SEO performance of website pages. These managers conduct research to identify keyword opportunities and work with special teams to ensure web properties are optimized according to the latest SEO algorithms.

4. Content Marketing Manager

— The Content Marketing Manager works with content creators and strategists to oversee big-picture editorial campaigns. This position could entail a combination of copywriting, content development and curation, asset promotion, and editing. Content Marketing Managers keep organized calendars to ensure content is launched on time and developed according to a strict schedule. They must be comfortable talking to customers, partners, and internal teams.

5. Innovation Manager

— An Innovation Manager develops novel business ideas and refines operations so that innovation can thrive in an organization. They are often the brainchild behind a new product or service and oversee its development from ideation to market introduction. These people are a combination of highly-skilled project managers, strategic thinkers, and forward-thinking leaders.

6. Digital Marketing Manager

— Digital Marketing Managers help create and refine the digital strategy for company brands. From photos to videos, logos to infographics, these managers use digital visuals to complement a company’s brand and storytelling power. More often than not, digital marketing managers are responsible for driving digital growth and improving awareness of a company's products or services in online environments.

7. Director of Marketing and Digital Services

— A Director of Marketing and Digital Services will focus their time and energy on marketing strategy, analysis, campaign execution, and staff management, all while keeping a close eye on the bottom line and fiscal budgets. They are part strategist, part analyst, and part manager. Directors in this specific role are responsible for developing highly effective marketing campaigns that will increase an organization's ROI.

8. Emerging Technology Specialist

— Specialists working in this role must stay up-to-date on all that is happening in trending technology and must understand how new technologies impact security. “Living in the future” is a must in this role because technology is constantly changing. Having great foresight is crucial to spearheading AI, Machine Learning, and other marketing technology initiatives.

9. Digital Strategist

— These specialists are responsible for using digital strategies to develop solutions and meet an organization's marketing objectives. They use all of the necessary digital tools, such as website pages, emails, social media, and blog articles to coordinate digital strategies for a company or client. Often, Digital Strategists work on cross-functional teams and are comfortable using data to make decisions.

10. Experiential Account Manager

— Experiential Account Managers are part marketing, part sales-minded employees. The role requires extensive client contact and project management experience to create long-lasting relationships and to generate sales. From event advertising to client relations, these account managers must have experience in communications, marketing, and project management.

11. Chief Experience Manager

— CXMs (increasingly replacing the term chief customer manager) create customer-centric strategies that help companies deliver an incredible customer experience. More than just a spokesperson, CXMs are tasked with ensuring that their customers and consumers have positive experiences during all stages of brand interaction, including having a detailed and impressive understanding of an audience and current customer base.

12. Digital Sales Manager

— Digital Sales Managers are people-centric, team leaders who understand what it takes to turn a prospect into a qualified lead using a variety of digital channels. Digital Sales Managers often lead teams of both sales and marketing communications professionals, serving as an advocate for a variety of departments.

13. Data Analytics Manager

— Data Analytics Managers help lead an organization's team of data analysts. They have a strong analytical and technical background and work to ensure the accuracy of findings among analyst teams. The best Data Analytics Managers discover trends, patterns, and stories from data and then communicate findings to upper-level management and clients.

West Virginia University’s Data Marketing Communications program is designed for professionals who are passionate about the marketing communications profession. Data Marketing is for professionals who want to establish themselves as real leaders in the field by learning how to use data-driven decision making to achieve better results and increase an organization’s return on investment.

If you have questions about what it would mean for you to pursue the Data Marketing Communications graduate degree at WVU, we encourage you to request more information today!

This blog was originally published on the WVU Marketing Communications Today blog.

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Meet the Author

Stefanie Moore

Stefanie Moore
Marketing Manager

Stefanie is a marketing manager in the Marketing Communications Online Programs through the College of Creative Arts and Media at West Virginia University. She is an alumna of WVU's M.S. in Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) and has been working in marketing for over 6 years after beginning her career in the newspaper business. She's a marathon runner and she recently ran a qualifying time for the Boston Marathon.

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