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Our professional advising team is trained on program requirements, curriculum changes and graduation standards so they can guide you through your academic experience.

Academic advisors are in our Student Services office each business day. You can stop by Martin Hall Room 104 or 108 if you need help. While the office will be open for drop-ins, longer meetings must be scheduled using our online appointment system. When you schedule, you will receive an email appointment confirmation (Zoom meetings are available). This option is best if you have more complicated issues or questions that you need to work through with your advisor.

You can also email or call your advisor at the address/number listed below. These options might be better for questions that don’t require a meeting and don’t need an immediate answer. If you do not know who your advisor is, please check DegreeWorks where it should be listed. I you don't have an assigned advisor, please email or call 304-293-5873.

If your advisor hasn’t gotten back to you within 24 hours (or 48 hours if you email them over the weekend), please email and one of our team members will answer your questions.

Summer/Fall 2025 Priority Registration

  • March 25th – Keyser and Beckley Exceptions
  • March 26th – Professional, Graduate, L3, Athletes
  • March 27th – L2
  • March 28th – L1
  • March 31st – Seniors: Honors, Veterans, ROTC, ADA Accommodations (90+ hours)
  • April 1st – Seniors (90+ hours)
  • April 1st – Keyser and Beckley Open Registration
  • April 3rd – Juniors: Honors, Veterans, ROTC, ADA Accommodations (60 – 89 hours)
  • April 4th – Juniors (60 – 89 hours)
  • April 7th – Sophomores: Honors, Veterans, ROTC, ADA Accommodations (30 – 59 hours)
  • April 8th – Sophomores (30 – 59 hours)
  • April 10th – Freshman: Honors, Veterans, ROTC, ADA Accommodations (1 – 29 hours)
  • April 11th – Freshman (1 – 29 hours)

Classifications are based on hours earned and hours in progress for Spring 2025 term. Check your classification and register at the appropriate time. The Registration policy can be found here, .

Undergraduate Registration Process

  1. Schedule an advising appointment.
  2. Log into and review your degree audit in DegreeWorks prior to meeting with your advisor.
  3. Meet with your advisor. Create your ideal and back-up schedules using the advising worksheet or the Online Schedule Builder in STAR.
  4. Bring this completed worksheet or sample schedules from the Online Schedule Builder to our meeting. If you arrive unprepared (you haven’t looked at DegreeWorks and don’t bring a list of classes to the meeting) you will be asked to reschedule.
  5. Obtain and complete an Advising Survey form.
  6. Register for courses in STAR on your assigned pre-registration date. If a class is full and it’s a non-Reed School of Media and Communications class, students will need to see the advising center in that department. If a Reed School course is full, students will need to contact their Reed School advisor. WVU’s Office of the Registrar will no longer accept signed STAR forms for these classes.

Academic Records

Students are responsible for the accuracy of their academic records and to have knowledge of their academic standing. This responsibility includes familiarity with WVU and Reed School of Media and Communications regulations, standards and requirements. Students are encouraged to meet with their academic advisor when questions arise. Students should regularly consult DegreeWorks, the official, online advising and degree auditing tool at WVU.

Meet Your Advisors

Demetrius A. Greer

Demetrius A. Greer

Academic Advisor Student Services

Demetrius A. Greer serves as an academic advisor in the WVU College of Creative Arts and Media. Greer joined the advising team in August 2013. Greer has a strong affinity and penchant for working with first-generation students.

Read More: Demetrius A. Greer
Aaron Hawley

Aaron Hawley

Program Coordinator for MDMS, Academic Advisor Student Services

Aaron is the the coordinator for the Multidisciplinary Media Studies major, the online B.S. in Integrated Marketing Communications and the Reed School of Media and Communication's minors. He is responsible for all undergraduate online programs offered by the Reed School.

Read More: Aaron Hawley
Shawn Ragsdale headshot

Shawn Ragsdale

Academic Advisor Student Services

Shawn is an undergraduate advisor, who generally advises students in the Advertising and Public Relations major.

Read More: Shawn Ragsdale
Emily Roush

Emily Roush

Assistant Director of Advising Student Services

Emily Roush serves as the Assistant Director of Advising for the WVU College of Creative Arts and Media. She works closely with the advising office and assists the advising team during high traffic advising season.

Read More: Emily Roush

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