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Faculty and Staff Awards

The College of Creative Arts and Media recognizes those who have established an extraordinary record of contribution to the learning experience of our students, College and University.

State and University regulation prohibit direct monetary remuneration for awards. However, each award consists of financial support to assist the recipient’s travel, research, and/or professional development activities. Support can also be used for the purchase of University-owned office equipment.

Outstanding Faculty Research and Creative Activity Award

All full-time College of Creative Arts and Media (CCAM) faculty and persons in FEAP positions who have research required as part of their position and who have not received this award in the prior two years are eligible to apply. All who are eligible are encouraged to apply.

Additionally, each school’s P&T committee must nominate one eligible candidate per year. Applications due April 1. The CCAM Recognition Committee will select one college-level award recipient.

The award evaluates a record covering the prior year: January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024 or Aug. 16, 2023 – Aug. 15, 2024, depending on the timeframe of the candidate’s previous year’s review. Additional information from a previous year may be submitted if it helps support the application. Faculty whose first semester started in August 2024 are not eligible for the 2025 Outstanding Faculty Research and Creative Activity Award.

The award includes a plaque, $500 toward professional development activities, and recognition at a CCAM Spring Honors Ceremony in late April.

Application will open in January 2025.

Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award

All full-time College of Creative Arts and Media (CCAM) faculty and persons in FEAP positions who have teaching required as part of their position and who have not received this award in the prior two years are eligible to apply. All who are eligible are encouraged to apply. Additionally, each school’s P&T committee must nominate one eligible candidate per year. Applications due April 1. The CCAM Recognition Committee selects one college-level award recipient.

The award evaluates a record covering the prior year: January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024 or Aug. 16, 2023 – Aug. 15, 2024, depending on the timeframe of the candidate’s previous year’s review. Additional information from a previous year may be submitted if it helps support the application. Faculty whose first semester started in August 2024 are not eligible for the 2025 Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award. The award includes a plaque, $500 toward professional development activities, and recognition at a CCAM Spring Honors Ceremony in late April.

Application will open in January 2025.

Outstanding Faculty Service Award

All full-time College of Creative Arts and Media (CCAM) faculty and persons in FEAP positions who have service required as part of their position and who have not received this award in the prior two years are eligible to apply.

All who are eligible are encouraged to apply. Additionally, each school’s P&T committee must nominate one eligible candidate per year. Applications due April 1. The CCAM Recognition Committee will select one college-level award recipient.

The award evaluates a record covering the prior year: January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024 or Aug. 16, 2023 – Aug. 15, 2024, depending on the timeframe of the candidate’s previous year’s review. Additional information from a previous year may be submitted if it helps support the application. Faculty whose first semester started in August 2024 are not eligible for the 2025 Outstanding Faculty Service Award. The award includes a plaque, $500 toward professional development activities, and recognition at a CCAM Spring Honors Ceremony in late April.

Application will open in January 2025.

Adjunct Faculty Award of Excellence

All current adjunct faculty who teach for the College of Creative Arts & Media (CCAM) are eligible for this annual award. Students and adjunct faculty supervisors may nominate an adjunct faculty member for this award. Nominations due April 1. Each school in the college will submit to the CCAM Recognition Committee one nomination for this college-level award. The CCAM Recognition Committee will select one college-level award recipient. The award includes a plaque, $500 toward professional development activities, and recognition at a CCAM Spring Honors Ceremony in late April.

Nomination will open in January 2025.

Advisor Award of Excellence

One award will be given annually at the conclusion of the fall semester to an advisor (professional or faculty) who advises undergraduate students. Students will be asked to nominate an advisor for this award after registration begins in the fall semester. The award includes a plaque and a $500 stipend for professional development. The CCAM Recognition Committee will select one college-level award recipient.

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