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String Policy

All students enrolled in M125, M225, M325, and M425 for which the applied lesson is the primary instrument of study must perform a jury for at least 3 members of the string area faculty each semester. Seniors enrolled in M425 who have achieved the required level for graduation and are registered for a senior recital may be excused from performing a jury at the discretion of the primary applied instructor in consultation with string area faculty.

All students enrolled in M328 or M500 (music minors) and secondary study students enrolled in M125-M425 are required to perform a jury for at least 1 member of the string area faculty each semester of study. The applied teacher and/or instrument-area faculty member may request the presence of additional string faculty at music minor and secondary study students’ juries.

All masters degree students are required to perform a jury for at least 3 members of the string area faculty in the first semester of study. The student may be excused from performing subsequent juries at the discretion of the primary applied instructor in consultation with string area faculty.

Doctoral students may be excused from performing semester-end juries at the discretion of the primary applied instructor in consultation with string area faculty.

In the event of illness or injury: Students who miss juries due to illness or injury will receive an incomplete in Applied Study for the semester and must make up the jury prior to mid-term during the subsequent semester. Students who are unable to make up a missed jury must submit a written petition to the Director of the School of Music by mid-term of the first semester following the semester of the original missed jury. The petition must include a complete justification for missing the make-up jury and a written statement of support from the applied faculty member.

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