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Horn Club

The activities of the WVU Horn Ensembles are supported by a recognized University student organization, the Horn Club of West Virginia University. The purpose of the organization is, according to its constitution, “to strengthen and promote the WVU Horn Ensembles and, in accordance with the aims and purposes of the International Horn Society, promote ‘knowledge about the Horn and its literature,’ and ‘promote communication among its players.’” The membership of the WVU Horn Club is open to hornists who are or who will become members of the International Horn Society and who participate in the WVU Horn Ensembles. The voting membership is limited to the club members who are WVU students.

The WVU Horn Ensembles have been presented at International Horn Workshops at the Eastman School of Music, the University of Missouri-Kansas City, Western Michigan University, Florida State University, and in Ghent, Belgium as well as regional workshops at the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga and Virginia Tech. In 1995, WVU hosted a Southeast Horn Workshop that attracted more than 350 participants and featured Barry Tuckwell, Gail Williams, the American Horn Quartet, and many other artists, clinicians, and exhibitors. In 2021, WVU will host the Northeast Horn Workshop. In addition to participating in professional conferences, the Horn Ensemble also give community service and other “outreach” performances.

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