"The Architect Frank Lloyd Wright" course provides an opportunity to look closely at Wright’s life and work and place it in the context of developments in modern architecture. His iconic structures — from the early Prairie Houses, to Fallingwater, to the Guggenheim Museum — can only be understood in relation to their response to place. Students will pursue a semester-long research project taking advantage of the easy proximity of Wright’s masterwork, the Kaufmann House (Fallingwater), and his late Usonian design, the Hagan House (Kentuck Knob). The direct experience with these specific buildings allows students to come to terms with Wright’s theory of organic architecture that has been so influential on today’s green designers.
This course is open to all WVU students with no prerequisites. The Architect Frank Lloyd Wright course fulfills GEF requirement 6 and can be taken for either undergraduate or graduate credit.
Undergraduate course: ARHS 382
Graduate course: ARHS 582