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Cello Studio

Erin Ellis, Assistant Professor of Cello

Welcome to the cello studio at WVU!

We are an inclusive and collaborative community of cellists that value a well-rounded approach to artistic excellence. We have a warm, fun, and focused studio, and we prioritize growing as cellists and as people with integrity and creativity. Members and alumni of our studio are quite active, both on and off-campus. Our alumni teach and perform here and abroad.

Listen to the cello ensemble on the Country Roads Album (a student-run project):

Student activities and accomplishments include:

  • Prominent string teaching placements in WV, VA, MD, PA, and OH
  • Acceptance to prestigious summer festivals, including Green Mountain Chamber Music, Apple Hill, Brevard, Renova, and Sewanee Summer Music Program
  • Teaching preparatory students through WVU’s Community Music Program and through private studios
  • Performing with regional ensembles
  • Receiving Suzuki Training through Book 10 (many with competitive scholarship funding)
  • Receiving significant scholarships and fellowships for further studies

Studio events and offerings include:

  • Cello ensemble
  • Technique classes
  • Performance classes
  • Community engagement
  • Baroque sonata duo project
  • Listening projects
  • Artistic administration and program development projects
  • Cello Day event
  • Suzuki training
  • Masterclasses with guest cellists
  • Alexander Technique workshops
  • Numerous faculty recitals, student recitals, and guest artist concerts on campus
  • Access to several major cultural centers within driving distance

Interested in auditioning to be a cello major at West Virginia University?

Auditions are required. Learn more about our audition dates. Please contact Erin Ellis directly to arrange a sample lesson during your visit to WVU.

Follow Erin Ellis on Instagram

Assistant Professor of Cello
West Virginia University

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